Results National PhD Day
During the National PhD-day I gave a presentation about responsible research practices. The results of the interactive discussion can be found below. I asked the audience (n=90) the following question: We also watched a video (specially developed for this meeting by Bruno van Wayenburg) and I asked the audience…
Article of the Year from the Communication Methods and Measures journal
Our paper “Possible Solution to Publication Bias Through Bayesian Statistics, Including Proper Null Hypothesis Testing” has been chosen as the Article of the Year from the Communication Methods and Measures journal!! (Pre-print) This award is jointly presented by the journal and the Communication Theory and Methodology division of the AEJMC organization….
Benoemd tot lid van de Jonge Akademie van de KNAW
Jaarlijks kiest De Jonge Akademie tien nieuwe talentvolle onderzoekers om haar gelederen te versterken. De Jonge Akademie is binnen de KNAW een zelfstandig platform van jonge topwetenschappers, met activiteiten op het gebied van interdisciplinariteit, wetenschapsbeleid, wetenschap en samenleving, en internationalisering. Naast bewezen wetenschappelijke kwaliteit beschikken leden…
Call for papers special issue “Bayesian statistics in the field of psychotraumatology”
Call for Papers Theme: Bayesian statistics in the field of psychotraumatology Already over 250 years ago, Thomas Bayes published on inverse probability. The ideas of inverse probability and Bayes’ theorem have been longstanding and become more popular in fields like epidemiology, spatial modeling, clinical trials,…
Prestigious VIDI Grant Awarded
I am awarded the prestigious VIDI-grant from the Netherlands organization for scientific research to start my own research group 🙂 1b. Title of research proposal: Experts, their prior knowledge, and the issue of limited data 1c.Summary of research proposal Researchers often have difficulties collecting enough data…
Research Talent Grant awarded to Kimberley Lek
Our Research Talent proposal titled “How to hedge our bets in educational testing: combining test results with teacher expertise” has been granted by the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific research. Kimberley Lek will work on this project for the next 4 years. Summary of the proposed research In…
Transparency and Openness
I have began uploading additional information for each of my papers. This additional information can consist of data sets, syntax files; more information about the paper because it was not clearly described in the paper; a discussion about how analyses should have been conducted given…
Rens van de Schoot wins the APA Award 2013
I received the Distinguished Dissertation Award from the APA division 5, see page 4. Unfortunately I could not attend the award ceremony, so I recorded a video instead.
Statistical Advisor of ‘The European Journal of Psychotraumatology’
I have become part of the editorial team of The European Journal of Psychotraumatology (EJPT) as statistical adviser. Soon a methodological special issue is forthcoming. I will soon update more information on that issue.
Paper on rock climbing in South-Africa
Will this paper count on my academic CV? Reference Van de Schoot, W. & Van de Schoot, R. (2013). IJskoud Afrika. Hoogtelijn, 1, 40-43.
Looking back on the EADP Writing Week
ERU is profoundly grateful to the EADP precious support for the writing week held between 20-24th of February at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. The goal of the event was to finalize joint papers on cross-national comparisons of different instruments and submit those to the European…