######################################### # Exercises Bayes-1 # # N Schalken # # 10 February 2017 # ######################################### #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ############### # Exercise 1b # ############### #STEP1: Download and load the package require(blavaan) require(lavaan) #STEP2: Load data (make sure you set the working directory to the folder where your data is): # To set your working directory to the right folder use: # setwd("C:/your/folder/here") #OR go to the Menu --> Session --> Set Working Directory --> Choose Directory data <- read.table("regression.dat") #STEP3: Give names to the variables in the dataset colnames(data)<- c("y", "x1", "x2") #STEP4: Specify the regression model model.regression <- '#regression y ~ x1 + x2 #variances y ~~ y #intercepts y ~ 1' #STEP5: fit <- lavaan(model.regression, data=data) summary(fit, fit.measures=TRUE, ci = TRUE, rsquare=TRUE) ############### # Exercise 1c # ############### #STEP1: Run the Bayesian Regression fit.bayes <- blavaan(model.regression, data=data) summary(fit.bayes, fit.measures=TRUE, ci = TRUE, rsquare=TRUE) #STEP2: Obtain plots of the Bayesian Regression plot(fit.bayes, pars= 1:4, plot.type="density") plot(fit.bayes, pars= 1:4, plot.type="autocorr") plot(fit.bayes, pars= 1:4, plot.type="histogram") plot(fit.bayes, pars= 1:4, plot.type="trace") #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ############## # Exercise 2 # ############## #STEP1: Load the new dataset and give a name to the variable data.IQ <- read.table("data_IQ.dat") colnames(data.IQ)<- c("IQ") #STEP2: Specify the model model.IQ1 <- '#variances IQ ~~ IQ #Intercepts IQ ~ 1' #STEP3: Run the model using maximum likelihood estimation (ML) fit.IQ1 <- lavaan(model.IQ1, data=data.IQ) summary(fit.IQ1, ci = TRUE) #STEP4: Rerun the model using Bayesian estimation fit.IQ2 <- blavaan(model.IQ1, data=data.IQ) summary(fit.IQ2, ci=TRUE) #STEP5: Specifying an alternative prior for the mean IQ score. fit.IQ3 <- blavaan(model.IQ1, data=data.IQ, dp = dpriors(nu= "dnorm(100, 0.01")) summary(fit.IQ3, ci=TRUE) #STEP6: Specifying a new alternative prior for the mean IQ score. fit.IQ4 <- blavaan(model.IQ1, data=data.IQ, dp = dpriors(nu= "dnorm(, )")) summary(fit.IQ4, ci=TRUE) #STEP7: Specifying a new alternative prior for the mean IQ score. fit.IQ5 <- blavaan(model.IQ1, data=data.IQ, dp = dpriors(nu= "dnorm(, )")) summary(fit.IQ5, ci=TRUE) #STEP8: Specifying a new alternative prior for the mean IQ score. fit.IQ6 <- blavaan(model.IQ1, data=data.IQ, dp = dpriors(nu= "dnorm(, )")) summary(fit.IQ6, ci=TRUE) #STEP9: Specifying a new alternative prior for the mean IQ score. fit.IQ7 <- blavaan(model.IQ1, data=data.IQ, dp = dpriors(nu= "dnorm(, )")) summary(fit.IQ7, ci=TRUE) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ############### # Exercise 3 # ############### ##PART1: #Import the dataset data3 <- read.table("studentpor.txt", sep = ",", header=TRUE) #Recode the variable sex into numerical values library('plyr') data3$sex <- revalue(data3$sex, c("M"="0", "F"="1")) #Load the packages for creating the plot library(tidyr) library(ggplot2) #Create a regression model with 10 predictors regression3 <- '#regression G3 ~ G1 + G2 + absences + health + Walc + Dalc + goout + freetime + sex + studytime #variance G3 ~~ G3 #intercept G3 ~ 1' #Run the specified regression model fit.regression3 <- blavaan(regression3, data=data3, n.chains = 2, burnin = 10000, sample = 10000, adapt=10000) #Obtain the results from the analysis summary(fit.regression3) ##PART2 - VIOLIN PLOT: # To create a violin plot with all predictors in it, you should take the following steps: #STEP1: To create a violin plot, we first should obtain the 'mcmc.list', which is the list with all the iterations for each parameter. #After that, you create a matrix of the list. mcmc.list <- blavInspect(fit.regression3, what="mcmc") iter <- as.matrix(mcmc.list) #STEP2: The plot should consist of all 10 predictors, therefore we create vectors with the iterations for each predictor in the model. #After that, you combine all vectors in a long vector with all iterations for the 10 predictors. b1 <- iter[,1] b2 <- iter[,2] b3 <- iter[,3] b4 <- iter[,4] b5 <- iter[,5] b6 <- iter[,6] b7 <- iter[,7] b8 <- iter[,8] b9 <- iter[,9] b10 <- iter[,10] b <- c(b1, b2, b3, b4, b5 ,b6, b7, b8, b9, b10) #STEP3: Create an empty vector to store the regression coefficients in, in the next step. beta <- vector() #STEP4: With a for loop you fill the vector of STEP 3 with beta1, beta2, beta3, and so on: for (i in 1:10) { beta[i] <- paste("beta", i, sep="") } #STEP5: Create a dataframe with in the first column the iterations, and in the second column the parameters that belong to the iterations. #By repeating the beta's 20000 times each, you combine the iterations with the parameter where they belong to. iterations <- data.frame(posterior=b, parameter= rep(beta, each=20000)) #STEP 6: Create the plot with the specified dataframe of STEP5: ggplot(data = iterations, aes(y= posterior, x = parameter)) + coord_flip() + geom_hline(yintercept=0, linetype="dashed") + scale_x_discrete(limits=rev(levels(iterations$parameter))) + geom_violin(adjust = 1, color="orange", alpha = 0, size=1.1) + stat_summary(fun.data=mean_sdl, geom="pointrange", color="orange") + stat_summary(fun.y=median, geom="point", shape=5,size=4, color="blue") + theme_minimal() + labs(x = "Parameter", y="Posterior Value") #Note: The regression coefficients are in the same order as you specified in the model, so beta1 = G1, beta2 = G2, beta3 = absences, and so on. #Translate variance to tau tau <- function(variance){ 1/variance } tau(10000) #Obtain tau for a variance of 10.000 #########################################################################################################################################################################