Mplus VERSION 7.4 DEMO MUTHEN & MUTHEN 01/28/2017 11:02 AM INPUT INSTRUCTIONS DATA: FILE IS popular_regr_1.dat; VARIABLE: NAMES ARE respnr Dutch gender sd covert overt; USEVARIABLES ARE sd covert overt; MISSING ARE ALL (-999); MODEL: sd ON covert overt; OUTPUT: sampstat; stand; *** WARNING Data set contains cases with missing on all variables. These cases were not included in the analysis. Number of cases with missing on all variables: 145 *** WARNING Data set contains cases with missing on x-variables. These cases were not included in the analysis. Number of cases with missing on x-variables: 3 2 WARNING(S) FOUND IN THE INPUT INSTRUCTIONS SUMMARY OF ANALYSIS Number of groups 1 Number of observations 1343 Number of dependent variables 1 Number of independent variables 2 Number of continuous latent variables 0 Observed dependent variables Continuous SD Observed independent variables COVERT OVERT Estimator ML Information matrix OBSERVED Maximum number of iterations 1000 Convergence criterion 0.500D-04 Maximum number of steepest descent iterations 20 Maximum number of iterations for H1 2000 Convergence criterion for H1 0.100D-03 Input data file(s) popular_regr_1.dat Input data format FREE SUMMARY OF DATA Number of missing data patterns 1 COVARIANCE COVERAGE OF DATA Minimum covariance coverage value 0.100 PROPORTION OF DATA PRESENT Covariance Coverage SD COVERT OVERT ________ ________ ________ SD 1.000 COVERT 1.000 1.000 OVERT 1.000 1.000 1.000 SAMPLE STATISTICS ESTIMATED SAMPLE STATISTICS Means SD COVERT OVERT ________ ________ ________ 1 3.626 1.941 1.325 Covariances SD COVERT OVERT ________ ________ ________ SD 0.458 COVERT -0.206 0.357 OVERT -0.084 0.086 0.138 Correlations SD COVERT OVERT ________ ________ ________ SD 1.000 COVERT -0.510 1.000 OVERT -0.333 0.386 1.000 MAXIMUM LOG-LIKELIHOOD VALUE FOR THE UNRESTRICTED (H1) MODEL IS -2840.567 UNIVARIATE SAMPLE STATISTICS UNIVARIATE HIGHER-ORDER MOMENT DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS Variable/ Mean/ Skewness/ Minimum/ % with Percentiles Sample Size Variance Kurtosis Maximum Min/Max 20%/60% 40%/80% Median SD 3.626 0.137 1.455 0.07% 3.091 3.455 3.636 1343.000 0.458 0.112 5.909 0.07% 3.727 4.182 COVERT 1.941 0.290 1.000 10.87% 1.500 1.750 2.000 1343.000 0.357 -0.400 3.750 0.45% 2.000 2.500 OVERT 1.325 1.603 1.000 30.83% 1.000 1.125 1.250 1343.000 0.138 2.962 3.125 0.22% 1.250 1.625 THE MODEL ESTIMATION TERMINATED NORMALLY MODEL FIT INFORMATION Number of Free Parameters 4 Loglikelihood H0 Value -1159.083 H1 Value -1159.083 Information Criteria Akaike (AIC) 2326.167 Bayesian (BIC) 2346.978 Sample-Size Adjusted BIC 2334.271 (n* = (n + 2) / 24) Chi-Square Test of Model Fit Value 0.000 Degrees of Freedom 0 P-Value 0.0000 RMSEA (Root Mean Square Error Of Approximation) Estimate 0.000 90 Percent C.I. 0.000 0.000 Probability RMSEA <= .05 0.000 CFI/TLI CFI 1.000 TLI 1.000 Chi-Square Test of Model Fit for the Baseline Model Value 444.065 Degrees of Freedom 2 P-Value 0.0000 SRMR (Standardized Root Mean Square Residual) Value 0.000 MODEL RESULTS Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value SD ON COVERT -0.507 0.028 -17.867 0.000 OVERT -0.291 0.046 -6.378 0.000 Intercepts SD 4.996 0.066 75.579 0.000 Residual Variances SD 0.329 0.013 25.913 0.000 STANDARDIZED MODEL RESULTS STDYX Standardization Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value SD ON COVERT -0.448 0.023 -19.560 0.000 OVERT -0.160 0.025 -6.432 0.000 Intercepts SD 7.384 0.118 62.754 0.000 Residual Variances SD 0.718 0.021 34.534 0.000 STDY Standardization Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value SD ON COVERT -0.749 0.037 -20.266 0.000 OVERT -0.431 0.067 -6.471 0.000 Intercepts SD 7.384 0.118 62.754 0.000 Residual Variances SD 0.718 0.021 34.534 0.000 STD Standardization Two-Tailed Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value SD ON COVERT -0.507 0.028 -17.867 0.000 OVERT -0.291 0.046 -6.378 0.000 Intercepts SD 4.996 0.066 75.579 0.000 Residual Variances SD 0.329 0.013 25.913 0.000 R-SQUARE Observed Two-Tailed Variable Estimate S.E. Est./S.E. P-Value SD 0.282 0.021 13.532 0.000 QUALITY OF NUMERICAL RESULTS Condition Number for the Information Matrix 0.834E-02 (ratio of smallest to largest eigenvalue) DIAGRAM INFORMATION Use View Diagram under the Diagram menu in the Mplus Editor to view the diagram. If running Mplus from the Mplus Diagrammer, the diagram opens automatically. Diagram output c:\users\naomi\dropbox\exercises\mptext3.dgm Beginning Time: 11:02:44 Ending Time: 11:02:44 Elapsed Time: 00:00:00 Mplus VERSION 7.4 DEMO has the following limitations: Maximum number of dependent variables: 6 Maximum number of independent variables: 2 Maximum number of between variables: 2 MUTHEN & MUTHEN 3463 Stoner Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90066 Tel: (310) 391-9971 Fax: (310) 391-8971 Web: Support: Copyright (c) 1998-2015 Muthen & Muthen