Department: Methodology & Statistics

Organisation: Utrecht University

Country: The Netherlands



Duco obtained a bachelor degree in Psychology at the University of Twente, with his thesis on Randomized Response methodology. This study resulted in a co-authorship of the R-package GLMMRR. Duco graduated cum laude from the research master Methodology and Statistics in the Behavioural, Biomedical and Social Sciences at Utrecht University. His master thesis dealt with the elicitation and ranking of experts’ beliefs, and was written in collaboration with ProfitWise International, at which he worked for several months. Currently Duco is working on a PhD project on small data. 

Research topic

Duco’s PhD project with Rens focusses on providing a solution to small data problems in latent growth curve models. With few data points, it can be impossible to estimate the model of interest. Yet asking a different (simplified) question the data can answer may not be desirable. The PhD project aims to elicit information from for instance, experts-by-experience, researchers and clinicians. The elicited information from the experts can be used as prior information in a Bayesian analysis. By incorporating this prior knowledge in the analysis, a model of interest can be fitted to provide an answer to the original research question. 


The PhD project is part of the VIDI project of Rens van de Schoot (NWO-VIDI-452-14-006).