New in Mplus Summer School: Retract papers with cross-lagged panel models?
Did you know you no longer should use a standard cross-lagged panel model? Longitudinal mediation analyses using a cross-lagged panel design should ALWAYS account for stable between-person differences with random-intercepts. Should we then retract all the papers without such random-intercepts…? Ellen Hamaker will answer this question…
New in our Mplus Summer School: a full day on Mediation Analysis by Milica Miočević
New this year will be a day on Mediation Analysis taught by Milica Miočević. Learn why you should not use normal theory confidence limits for testing the significance of the mediated effect, what methods for mediation analysis have the most power, and how to select the…
Sneak peek Mplus Summer School: Why the first day will feel like a roller-coaster
This summer’s 7th Mplus Summer School program will be nothing like the ones before! In the next week, I will occasionally reveal some new details to keep you guessing. This year I will be teaching the first day of the summer school. I will gently…
Sneak Peek Mplus Summer School: Nothing’s Like You Used To Know
As seven is a lucky number, we decided to push our luck this year. This summer’s 7th Mplus Summer School program will be nothing like the ones before! In the next week, I will occasionally reveal some new details to keep you guessing. For now,…
Symposium at M3 conference accepted
Bayes is growing in all disciplines! This is one of the results found by van de Schoot, Winter, Ryan, Zondervan-Zwijnenburg and Depaoli (in press) in an extensive systematic review.
Presentation about GRoLTS-Checklist
At the Meeting of the Working Group SEM (16 and 17 March 2017; Ghent, Belgium) I will present about the Guidelines for Reporting on Latent Trajectory Studies. March 16 at 14:15-14:45 Abstract: Estimating models within the mixture model framework, like Latent Growth Mixture Modeling (LGMM) or Latent Class…
APS symposium accepted: “Experts and Animals: How Can They Help Us?”
How and to what extend can we use the unique information derived from experts and animals? We discuss how expert opinions can be formalized and included in analyses, how animal studies can provide insight into human behavior, and ways to compare results from these sources…
Sign up for the 8th Mplus User Meeting
Do you use daily diaries, ecological momentary assessments (EMA), experience sampling methodology (ESM), or other ambulatory assessments in your research? Are you curious about what these data can tell you about the dynamics of processes? DSEM consists of cutting-edge techniques including time series analysis and dynamic…
Article of the Year from the Communication Methods and Measures journal
Our paper “Possible Solution to Publication Bias Through Bayesian Statistics, Including Proper Null Hypothesis Testing” has been chosen as the Article of the Year from the Communication Methods and Measures journal!! (Pre-print) This award is jointly presented by the journal and the Communication Theory and Methodology division of the AEJMC organization….
Benoemd tot lid van de Jonge Akademie van de KNAW
Jaarlijks kiest De Jonge Akademie tien nieuwe talentvolle onderzoekers om haar gelederen te versterken. De Jonge Akademie is binnen de KNAW een zelfstandig platform van jonge topwetenschappers, met activiteiten op het gebied van interdisciplinariteit, wetenschapsbeleid, wetenschap en samenleving, en internationalisering. Naast bewezen wetenschappelijke kwaliteit beschikken leden…
Call for papers special issue “Bayesian statistics in the field of psychotraumatology”
Call for Papers Theme: Bayesian statistics in the field of psychotraumatology Already over 250 years ago, Thomas Bayes published on inverse probability. The ideas of inverse probability and Bayes’ theorem have been longstanding and become more popular in fields like epidemiology, spatial modeling, clinical trials,…
Prestigious VIDI Grant Awarded
I am awarded the prestigious VIDI-grant from the Netherlands organization for scientific research to start my own research group 🙂 1b. Title of research proposal: Experts, their prior knowledge, and the issue of limited data 1c.Summary of research proposal Researchers often have difficulties collecting enough data…