Category: 1st authorship papers

Small Sample Size Solutions: A Guide for Applied Researchers and Practitioners.

This unique resource provides guidelines and tools for implementing solutions to issues that arise in small sample research, illustrating statistical methods that allow researchers to apply the optimal statistical model for their research question when the sample is too small.

Dealing with imperfect elicitation results

We provide an overview of the solutions we used for dealing with imperfect elicitation results, so that others can benefit from our experience. We present information about the nature of our project, the reasons for the imperfect results, and how we resolved these sup-ported by annotated R-syntax

The GRoLTS-Checklist: Guidelines for Reporting on Latent Trajectory Studies

Estimating models within the mixture model framework, like latent growth mixture modeling (LGMM) or latent class growth analysis (LCGA), involves making various decisions throughout the estimation process. This has led to a wide variety in how results of latent trajectory analysis are reported.

Analyzing small data sets using Bayesian estimation: the case of posttraumatic stress symptoms following mechanical ventilation in burn survivors

The analysis of small data sets in longitudinal studies can lead to power issues and often suffers from biased parameter values. These issues can be solved by using Bayesian estimation in conjunction with informative prior distributions.