During the ECDP-conference next week we organize a “Living Room of Science”-event to encourage interactions among scholars and henceforth stimulate the formation of informed opinions on conducting ethical research. If you are interested in attending the living room but not the conference, you can register for 25 euros only!

See below for the program (location = Domkerk, Utrecht). For more information and registration go to http://www.ecdp2017.nl/overview-general-program/special-events/lofs/

The project is carried out as part of a larger project organized by the Young Dutch Academy of Sciences, part of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences. The Academy has a tradition of reaching out to and representing early career scientists. Being an inherently multidisciplinary group of scientists, together we offer the helicopter view necessary to provide a complete and balanced discussion.



Wednesday August 30

Opening of the Living Room of Science by Rens van de Schoot (Associate Prof. of Methods and Statistics, Utrecht University)

A fresh way to do statistics” by Eric-Jan Wagenmakers (Prof. of Psychological Methods, University of Amsterdam)

Is there a glass ceiling in developmental psychology for women?” by Belle Derks(Prof. of Social and Organisational Psychology, Utrecht University)

How to reach your Horizon: 10 mistakes you shouldn’t make when writing H2020 grants!” by Claudia Nicolaije (Policy Advisor at Research & Grant Office of Evers + Manders Grant Consultants)

How to get your paper published” by Robin Banerjee (Co-Editor of Infant and Child Development, Wiley)

Thursday August 31

How to achieve impact with your research” by Stans de Haas (Policy Advisor at Research & Grant Office of Utrecht University)

Take care, make your data FAIR” by Peter Doorn (Director of Data Archiving and Networked Services [DANS])

Responsible research practices” by Ton Hol (Chair Committee Scientific Integrity, Utrecht University and Tilburg University)

Friday September 1

Ghost-authors on your paper: A problem or needed to get your paper published?” by Stefan van der Stigchel (Associate Prof. of Experimental Psychology, Utrecht University) & Rens van de Schoot (Associate Prof. of Methods and Statistics, Utrecht University)

Researcher’s degrees of freedom” by Jelte Wicherts (Prof. of Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University; Editor of the Journal of Open Psychology Data) & Rens van de Schoot (Associate Prof. of Methods and Statistics, Utrecht University)

The benefits of open data” by Jelte Wicherts (Prof. of Methodology and Statistics, Tilburg University; Editor of the Journal of Open Psychology Data)