Now that a new year has started, it is time to think about what I’m going to do differently in 2017. I have been asked to think about this topic by the Dutch Financial Newspaper. Science has had to deal several crises in the last year(s), such as the replication-, the p­-hacking-, or the publish/perish-crisis. After all these crises, I feel it is time to stop, sit and think about what we do as researchers. We, scholars, need to take a RESET and stop running around! Therefore, I dropped my activities for half a day per week: from now on I plan to go back to the roots of scientific work on Fridays: deep thinking.

On this blog, I will share my experiences with these Fridays.

Feel free to try it for yourself and share your own experiences with deep thinking! What works and what doesn’t? Suggestions are also appreciated, so please leave a comment.